Litchfield Bears players take on the Guns and Roses Steak Challenge
Litchfield Bears players take on the Guns n Roses Steak Challenge

"Its all part of pre-season training" Saturday 20 February from 6pm at the Noonamah Tavern Litchfield Bears players Tasha Mills, Kiann Pennell, Luke Mahood, Brody Race, Braedon Risk and Alex Marchent took on the challenge to see if they had what it takes to be the first person to eat their way through a massive 1.5kg steak, chips, mashed potato, wedges and vegetables.
The Guns N Roses Steakhouse Challenge commenced with all contestants highly motivated to eat their way through the delicious mountain of fresh cooked steak, veges and bucket loads of carbohydrates.

Starting strong it was soon evident that the smallest contestant Breadon "Risky" Risk was leading the charge. His unorthodox eating strategy put him in the lead, with 10 minutes to go his cheering squad had gathered and staff had noted this is the closest anyone had come on this food extravaganza!
Washing each mouthful down with water and sweat trickling off his forehead he unfortunately hit the wall. Though we are very proud of you Risky and well done Alex, Brody, Hoody, Tash and Kiann you all did the Bears proud.
Thank you, To the Noonamah Tavern for hosting the Bears and our Supporters the experience was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Here's to round two!

Any Club Members wearing a Bears shirt will receive 10% discount on any restaurant meals ordered throught the year.
"Beware the Bears"